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Arctornis pellucidoides sp. n.

Arctornis pellucidoides (paratype)

15-17mm. The facies of the wings is reminiscent of that of A. pellucida Swinhoe comb. n. (N.E. Himalaya) being yellowish, uniform, rather translucent, with a small black discal dot on the forewing. The yellow tone is slightly more intense however. The scales are mostly of the narrow, forked type. The fringes are tinged slightly browner. There is a broad rufous bar on the frons between the antennae. The legs and palps are not marked. The male genitalia differ markedly from those of pellucida, being relatively much smaller, with shorter valves, though the uncus is longer and narrower. There is a strong saccus, and the harpe on the valve is broader, though tapering rather than clubbed at the apex.

Holotype SARAWAK: Gunung Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) Site 13, February, Camp 2, Mulu, 500m 401464 mixed dipt. for., BM lymantriid slide 1586.

Paratypes:11 (slide 1555) as holotype;1 BRUNEI: 75m, Labi, Feb ‘82 (Lt. Col. M.G. Allen); 1 BRUNEI: 100m, Lower Temburong, lowland forest, 19.5.79 (Lt. Col. M.G. Allen).

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The species has only been taken in hill dipterocarp forest. During the Mulu survey it appeared to be rather localised.

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