Arctornis riguata
comb. n.
riguata Snellen,
1895, Dt. ent. Z. iris 8:138.
Diagnosis. The species is moderately large, with irregularly oriented broad scales
on the forewing giving a mottled satiny effect. The discal spot is very weak,
but there are diagnostically deep faint grey triangles in the spaces at the
distal margin of the forewing. The hindwing fringes are also grey. The frons has
a broad brown triangle as in poecilonipha and similar leg spotting, but
the palps are dark brown throughout except ventrally where they are narrowly
white. The valves are diagnostic, the distal to costal margin expanded and
slightly setose, particularly at the costal angle. The harpe is downflexed at
two thirds, broadening slightly beyond that point.
Geographical range. Sundaland.
Habitat preference. This is an uncommon species of lowland and lower
montane forest, taken singly in dipterocarp forest in the Ulu Temburong and in
kerangas forest on a river terrace west of the Melinau Gorge. The remaining four
specimens were taken in forest on the limestone G. Api near the latter locality:
two in dipterocarp forest at about 250m and two in lower montane forest at 900m.
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