Arctornis semihyalina Swinhoe
comb. n.
semihyalina Swinhoe,
1904, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 14: 421.
lepta Collenette,
1932, Mem. Mus. Royal Hist. nat. Belg. (Hors serie) 4 (6): 47, syn.
Arctornis semihyalina(Java) |
Diagnosis. This is a rather translucent species similar to niphobola, though
it lacks the patches of denser scales, but fresh specimens may have short,
transverse, narrow, irregular, striae of denser scales. There is a small black
discal dot on the forewing. The frons is entirely brown, the palps paler brown.
The forelegs are also pale brown without darker patches. The male genitalia are
distinctive, with a rather humped uncus, a very short, acutely bifid harpe and a
much longer spine arising from the base of the valve costa.
Taxonomic note. The Sulawesi taxon lepta is best placed as a subspecies. The
genitalia are very similar to typical semihyalina except the saccular
spining is reduced to only a slender distal spine the same length as that of the
typical race.
Geographical range. Sundaland; Mindanao (slide 2174; a much longer outer
spine to the tongue); Sulawesi (ssp. lepta); S. Moluccas (slide 2120),
New Guinea.
Habitat preference. The species is not common, but most records are from
lowland localities such as Kretam in Sabah, Labuan I. and the Ulu Temburong of
Brunei. One specimen has been taken at 1200m near Bundu Tuhan on G. Kinabalu.
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