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Arctornis calcariphallus sp. n

Arctornis calcariphallus (holotype)

15-16mm. The mottled reflectivity of the forewing of this and the next species is much as in the flavescens group, but there is no grey shading in the spaces at the distal margins of the wings. There is a rufous brown bar on the frons between the antennal bases that diffuses away ventrally, and the palps are white below, grading rufous dorsally and towards the apex. The legs are faintly tinged rufous. The genitalia of the two species differ markedly from those of the flavescens group, having the uncus broad, square-shouldered, with a central lacuna, and valve processes limited to a weak, short, broad, harpe. The aedeagus has large and small lateral spurs, the former in calcariphallus outstanding and evenly curved, and the latter very small.

Holotype Ulu Temburong Expedition, 1978, BRUNEI: Base Camp, 300m, m.v. light, 10.x.1978, (T.W. Harman) BM lymantriid slide 2115.

Paratypes: 2 BRUNEI: 1m, Seria, mangrove and freshwater swamp, 25.5.1979 (Lt. Col. M.G. Allen); 1as above but 3m, secondary and coastal veg, 12 Feb 82; 1 BRUNEI: swamp forest, Seria, 20m, 11.ii.1982 (T.W. Harman); 12 SARAWAK: Gunung Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) Sites 8, 11, 13 (G. Mulu hill dipterocarp forest), 14, 15 (G. Mulu lower montane forest at 1000m), 16 (lowland alluvial forest), 20 (kerangas forest) and 23 (forest on limestone at 250m), slides 1559, 1618.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The species is frequent in a variety of lowland forest types including coastal swamp and mangrove forest. It has also been taken at 1000m in lower montane forest.

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