Carriola Swinhoe
Type species: ecnomoda Swinhoe.
Species of Carriola have a build and wing shape similar to that
of Arctornis, but the facies is distinctive, the wings having irregular
central windows surrounded by brown (males) or grey to whitish (females). In the
forewing venation, R2 arises separately at the cell, but may anastomose with Rs
The male genitalia are similar in general structure to those of Arctornis
but lack a saccular pocket and harpe. The aedeagus is produced into a
single, rather blunt process.
The female genitalia have the ovipositor lobes modified in the lip-like
manner seen in some Arctornis. The signum in the bursa is large,
generally scobinate as in Arctornis, but distinctly heart-shaped.
There is some biological information for the type species, as indicated
The genus is restricted to the Oriental tropics, with several more
species in mainland Asia and one, saturnioides Snellen, in Sulawesi.
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