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Micromorphe Felder

Type species: choerotricha Felder, Moluccas.

Synonyms: Micronygmia Toxopeus (type species linta Moore) syn. n.; Xanthonygmia Toxopeus (type species oculata Toxopeus) syn. n.

This genus is characterised by loss of vein R5 in the forewing and by the male genitalia. In the type species, R1 arises from Rs in the forewing, but in Sundanian species it arises independently from the cell. The wings tend to be rather rounded. The facies of the type species is rufous orange, irrorated black, whereas the smaller Sundanian species are yellow with extensive darker shading (except at the margins) as illustrated.

The male abdomen lacks tymbals. The genitalia have the uncus moderate, slender, tapering, and it is flanked by a pair of unusual processes that each appear to arise from between the valve transtilla and the tegumen. The valves themselves are simple. The saccus is elongate, rather digitate. The aedeagus is straight, with a small vesica adorned with two longitudinal bands of spines, the spines directed basad.

The female of the type species is unknown. Those of Sundanian species have the ostium relatively simple. The ductus and bursa are extremely small, rather sock-like.

The biology of one of the Sundanian species is mentioned below. Apart from the Sundanian species, the genus also may include the taxon celebesicola Strand (Sulawesi), that appears to have facies similar to that of the Moluccan type species: it has not been examined. The taxon barbarapolonica Schintlmeister (Sumatra) has venation and male genitalia that are also consistent with inclusion in Micromorphe, comb. n.

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