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Bembina pseudaurantiaca sp. n

Bembina pseudaurantiaca

10mm. In facies and size, this species resembles Orvasca aurantiaca and Somena aurantiacoides. There is a black discal spot evident at the boundary between the black and yellow on the forewing. It can be distinguished in the black borders to the wings: these are distinctly narrower on the underside than on the upperside. The male genitalia are very similar to those of  N. albinotata, indeed are within the range of variability seen in that species.

Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunung Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) Site 16, March, Long Pala (Base), 70m, 324450, alluv./ second. for., MV on batu, BM lymantriid slide 2572.

Paratype  As holotype.

Taxonomic note. The blackish Sumatran species identified tentatively by Schintlmeister (1994: plate 5:5, fig 74) as Euproctis lutefascia Hampson may be a form of pseudaurantiaca.

Geographical range. Borneo, ?Sumatra.

Habitat preference. The two specimens are from lowland alluvial forest.

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