paphos Fabricius
Noctua paphos Fabricius, 1787, Mant. Ins. 2Z: 137.
Diagnosis. The forewings are dark, almost bluish grey with the veins picked out in
white and the dorsum more broadly white. The hindwings have a dark grey border
with a zig-zag interior margin; basal to this border there is longitudinal dark
grey marking.
Taxonomic notes. The Javan race, leuconota Snellen, lacks the dark grey streaking
basal to the hindwing border.
Geographical range. N .E. Himalaya, Sundaland.
Habitat preference. During the survey of the G. Mulu National Park four
specimens were taken in alluvial forest. Further material has been collected
from lowland forest at Labi in Brunei.
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