thomasi sp. n.
Spilosoma procedra Swinhoe
sensu Holloway, 1976: 4.

(paratype) |

18-20mm (G.
Api), 22-23mm (Kinabalu). The facies is similar to that of hosei
except the hindwings are a brighter yellow, contrasting with the forewing,
and the tornal black markings are somewhat narrower, particularly that posterior
to vein CuA2. The male genitalia are very different, with a broad, quadrate base
to the valve, terminating in a tapering, finger-like process. The species is
named for Dr W. Thomas in appreciation of his assistance with the Spilosoma group.
SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat.
Park. RGS Exped, 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) BM 1978-206, site 25,
April, G. Api 900m 427550 lower montane forest, BM arctiid slide 4103.
Paratypes.2 as
holotype; Kinabalu specimens are excluded as they may represent a
distinct race.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The species is montane, recorded from G. Kinabalu
(1500-1930m) and the limestone G. Api (900-1700m).
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