pseudoinsulata Rego Barros
Pareuchaetes pseudoinsulata
Rego Barros, 1956, Revta Bras. Ent., 6: 79.
Diagnosis. The wings and thorax are uniform pale yellow, the abdomen deep yellow
with a dorsal row of black spots.
Geographical range. Venezuela, Trinidad; introduced and established in
Sri Lanka, Borneo, Palawan and Guam.
Habitat preference. Probably weedy habitats in agricultural areas
afflicted by Chromolaena odorata.
Biology. The larva is typically arctiine with numerous moderate secondary setae
on verrucae. The ground colour is blackish, with interrupted narrow white
stripes dorsolaterally and ventrolaterally.
The species is probably specific to Chromolaena odorata (Compositae)
and close relatives in the Eupatorium complex (Cock & Holloway,
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