divisura Walker
comb. n.
Syntomis divisura Walker, 1862, J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool.), 6:
Trichaeta divisura Walker;
Seitz, 1912-1913: 67.
Diagnosis. This species has only four major transparent areas on the forewing, that
in the space posterior to CuA2 being adjacent to the one in the cell,
intermediate, in position to the two of separabilis and larger than
either. In the male genitalia the valves are short, conical, and the aedeagus
vesica has a distinctive slender lateral lobe with an apical cornutus. In the
female genitalia the ductus bursae is centrally convolute and basally
sclerotised in a flask-like shape.
Geographical range. Borneo, Sumatra.
Habitat preference. No material has been taken in recent surveys.
Material in the BMNH is from S.E. Borneo where lowland habitats predominate.
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