Trichaetoides albiplaga Walker
comb. n.
albiplaga Walker,
1862, J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool.), 6: 92.
albosignata Walker,
1864, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 31: 71.
albiplaga Walker;
Seitz, 1912-1913: 67.
Diagnosis. The species is completely black but for a large transparent patch in the
position of the distal one in the previous two species. Its breadth is variable
but it is usually narrower than that of the next species. The male genitalia are
very close to those of the next species but have more elongate apical processes
to the valve and a less massive cornutus in the aedeagus vesica.
Taxonomic notes. The female genitalia share with those of T. chloroleuca an
asymmetric zone of sclerotisation where the ductus joins the bursa and also the
oval zone of sclerotisation in the lamella postvaginalis. The male genitalia of T.
vigorsi Moore (Java) share features of juxta shape, aedeagus vesica
ornamentation and valve structure with albiplaga and apicalis. All
five taxa (including separabilis as sister of chloroleuca) also
have strong setae laterally on the tegumen. T. hosei, undissected, is
likely also to fall in this group, sharing facies characters.
Geographical range. Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand.
Habitat preference. No recent material has been seen. That in the BMNH is
from both lowland and mountainous localities.
Biology. The species was noted to be day-flying by Seitz (1912).
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