Tortricosia classeyi sp. n.
(x 1.73)
The facies is somewhat similar to that of the slightly smaller blanda,
but with a rather streaky suffusion of blackish scales from the centre of
the wing to the tornus. The costal angle of the forewing is turned up over the
dorsal surface and bears somewhat larger scales, though this could be an
artefact. The hindwing is a distinctly darker grey along the dorsum, a feature
not seen in blanda. The male genitalia
have a more bulbous uncus apex than in blanda,
and the saccular process on the valve is broader and bears an outwardly
directed spur. The aedeagus vesica is distinguished by a row of eight stout
Holotype SABAH: Poring, 1800ft., E. of Mt. Kinabalu, 20-23.i.1976 (E.W. Classey), BM arctiid slide 4959.
range. Borneo.
preference. The
only specimen is from the same locality as blanda.
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