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Adites frigida Walker comb. n.
Doliche frigida Walker, 1854, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 2: 530.
Lyclene diffusa Walker, 1862, J. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 6:111.

Adites frigida

(x 1.38)

This and the next species are rather different in facies to the rest of the genus, with the darker forewing markings a reddish grey and extending more broadly into the white areas such that these are largely obscured except for white wedges at the margin and a sinuous row of white dots in the postmedial area. This grey suffusion is more extensive in fridiga, but the hindwings are a paler grey.

Taxonomic note. The two species are atypical of Adites, having, in the male genitalia, a more extensive array (or arrays) of robust cornuti in the vesica, valves that are simply divided distally, and limited rugosity around the anellus. The valves are short in frigida but elongate in the next species and Philippines species such as A. unilinea Wileman & South comb. n. and A. ocellata Wileman & South comb. n., to which they may be most closely related. These Philippines species have more typical Adites facies. In the female genitalia of frigida, the bursa is much larger than in the bizonoides group and is almost entirely invested with a dense array of small spicules that extend also down the ductus bursae.

Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya, Sundaland.

Habitat preference. This is a rare lowland species in Borneo, the only recently taken specimen seen being from dipterocarp forest at 300m in the Ulu Temburong of Brunei.

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