complicata Butler comb. n.
complicata Butler, 1877, Trans. ent. Soc. London, 1877: 344.
Barsine complicata
1.38) |
Diagnosis. The facies, yellow with dark grey fasciation and longitudinal streaking on the
forewing, is like that of most Lyclene species. The antemedial is
irregularly stepped and runs close to the subbasal, which encloses a sequence of
subbasal streaks, more as in Lyclene and other genera in the complex such
as Adites and Graptasura Hampson. The hindwing in some specimens
has a faint submarginal band or row of dark grey striae.
Taxonomic note. The
aedeagus vesica has the coarse spining typical of Barsine; the valve has
a central costal process and a distal saccular one.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The
species is frequent in lowland forest, occurring more rarely in forest up to
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