Decetia numicusarioides sp. n.
Decetia numicusarioides
17, 19mm. This species is closely related to the type species of the
genus, numicusaria Walker, but is less brown, more of a slaty grey. There
is a related species in Sulawesi (slide 225), and D. dichromataria Walker
from New Guinea and neighbouring areas is also in the group. Material from
Sumatra (ZSM) may represent a further species. All have four spots in veins M2
and CuA2 submarginally in an arc that is concave distad: that on M1 is displaced
basad. In many specimens those on M1 and M2 are obscured within a larger black
patch. The main differences are in the male genitalia, where the valve is narrow
and appears deeply divided over the distal half through the presence of a long
spine- like process arising from the valve costa. This process is strongly
curved and extends almost to the valve apex: in numicusaria it is much
shorter; there are differences in the valve and a larger, broader uncus in the
Sulawesi species and dichromataria.
Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunung Mulu Nat.
Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) Site 23, April, W.
Melinau Gorge, 250m. 430558, FEG 4 limestone forest, BM uraniid slide
Paratypes: 1 as holotype but Site 24, 270m;
l(abdomen damaged and mostly lost)
Temburong, L.P. 298, 300metres, BRUNEI, 21 .ii. 1982 (T. W. Harman).
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. All specimens were taken in lowland dipterocarp
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