Euphalacra nigridorsoides sp. n.

Euphalacra nigridorsoides
(paratype) |

12mm. In facies this species is very similar to nigridorsata Warren
(15-20mm) but is smaller. The rather crenulate, rich brown fasciation is
intensified obliquely postmedially on the forewing and is contiguous at the
dorsum with a dark subbasal fascia on the hindwing. The hindwing margin is
rounded rather than apically excavate and its postmedial fascia is angled
centrally rather than at one quarter from the costa. Despite the similarity in
facies to nigridorsata the male genitalia are very different, with the
socii slender, forked, and a rugose gnathus present. The valves have a single
basal process with setae. The aedeagus has a haken-like structure apically (See
Thyatirinae) and two smaller spines associated with it.
Holotype BRUNEI:
30-60m, Labi, lowland forest and secondary veg. 2.6.1978 (Lt. Col. M.G.
Allen) BM drepanid slide 2098.
Paratypes: 2 BRUNEI: 450m, Ulu
Temburong, rainforest, 28.4.81 (Lt. Col. M.G.
Allen); 1
SARAWAK: Gunung Mulu
Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) Site 20,
Mar.-Apr., W. Melinau Gorge, 150m. 422577, FEG 3, kerangas.
Geographical range. Borneo, Sumatra (ZSM).
Habitat preference. All material is from lowland forest, although
secondary forest was also present in the type locality.
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