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Albara Walker

Type species: reversaria Walker.

The genus was discussed by Watson (1968). The species are small, purplish grey, of typical 'hooktip' shape, with strong, straight postmedial fasciae on both wings, that on the forewing oblique, acutely angled subcostally. The male antennae are bipectinate to three-fifths, those of the female weakly biserrate (Watson, 1968).

The male abdomen shows close relationships in features to that in Paralbara Watson , such as the asymmetric seventh sternite (diagnostically produced, with a hair tuft, on the right in Albara), widely divided robust and setose lobes to the uncus, complex, somewhat divided valves (short and broad in Albara) and arcuate aedeagus. Albara has a prominent calcar-like structure associated with the juxta.

In the female the ostium is asymmetrically placed. The spherical bursa lacks a signum, the ductus is moderately long and broad. The ovipositor lobes are rounded, moderately densely setose.

The larva of the type species is described below.

Watson (1968) reviewed the generic limits, restricting these to the type species. Since then, one new species has been added. The genus is entirely Oriental.

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