rubromarginata Swinhoe
Oreta rubromarginata Swinhoe,
1902, Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1902: 592.
Gonoreta subrosea Warren, 1923, Gross-Schmett. Erde, 10:
477, syn. n.
rubromarginata |
Diagnosis. See Oreta fulgens
Taxonomic notes. Watson (1967) rejected the above synonymy on grounds of colour pattern
differences, despite the similarity of wing shape (more bifalcate in both sexes
than in fulgens). However, recent collecting has only accumulated a long
series of males and two more females that match subrosea and rubromarginata
respectively, rather than alternative 'marriages' for either. The sexual
dimorphism is slightly more extreme than in fulgens.
Geographical range. Borneo, Sumatra.
Habitat preference. This is more strictly a lowland forest species than fulgens,
sharing a preference for alluvial forest and forest on limestone during the
Mulu survey.
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