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Amphitorna Turner

Type species: lechriodes Turner, Queensland.

Synonyms: Cyclura Warren (type species excisa Warren), praeocc.; Neoreta Warren (type species olga Swinhoe, India); Procampsis Warren (type species trogoptera Warren, New Guinea); Tomocerota Matsumura (type species formosana Matsumura, Taiwan).

This genus was treated under Cyclura by Watson (1967) but the homonymy of this genus-group name is indicated by Fletcher (1979).

The antennae are bipectinate or lamellate in both sexes. The tongue is vestigial. In most species, but not the type species and Indian Subregion relatives where a more typical hook-tip drepanid wing-shape occurs, the forewings are bifalcate, the hindwing with the centre of the margin hooked, excavate posterior to the hook. The wings are reddish brown, reticulate/striate with darker parallel post- and antemedials on the forewing, the former angled subcostally and with a single fascia on the hindwing. The forewing usually has a pale discocellular spot.

In the male abdomen the eighth sternite has a pair of posterior processes. The uncus is short, rounded, slightly bilobed, setose, the gnathus diagnostically divided into short, pincer-like processes. The valves are narrow, sometimes spine-like. The anellus also consists of a pair of spine-like processes.

There is a single, bilobed signum in the corpus bursae of the female.

The genus ranges from the Indian Subregion to New Guinea and Queensland. There are three species in Borneo. Nothing is known of the biology.

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