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Macrauzata Butler

Type species: fenestraria Moore, N. India.

This genus has been revised by Inoue (1993). The facies of the species is diagnostic, an irregular translucent area in the centre of each wing being contained by a series of curved fasciae distally and more condensed, straight ones basally. The forewing is of typical 'hooktip' shape.

Features of the male abdomen are also diagnostic. The eighth abdominal sternite has its distal margin complexly lobed and excavate. The uncus is digitate, apically bifid, the socii widely spaced, each a setose lobe with a lateral 'thumb'. The valves are broad, quadrate or round, with a variety of distal projections. The vinculum is somewhat expanded laterally. The gnathus is distally bilobed, rugose or spined.

The female genitalia have very deep, squarish ovipositor lobes, broad lamellae vaginales, a moderate ductus and pyriform bursa lacking a signum or with a small central patch of scobination.

The larva of the Japanese M. maxima Inoue (Sugi, 1987) is smooth, cylindrical though rather lumpy, with the anal process short. It is white over the head and prothorax and over the central abdominal segments, and blackish elsewhere, the boundaries between the black and white zones somewhat irregular. The description of the type species in India (Sevastopulo, 1947) is similar though the central pale zone is pinkish white.

The host-plants are species of Quercus (Fagaceae), a host also noted by Sevastopulo for the type species. Teramoto (1993, 1996) also recorded Castanopsis in the same family.

The genus consists of seven species and ranges from India to Japan, the Philippines and Sulawesi. There are two species in Borneo.

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