berwicki Holloway
Diplodesma berwicki Holloway,
1976: 62.
(holotype) |
Diagnosis. The wings are centrally rather translucent, revealing the irregular
grey bands of the underside. The hindwing margin has a secondary 'tail' near
the apex as well as the usual central one.
notes. The translucence, grey banding
and bidentate hindwing margin are also seen in I. xanthochlora Swinhoe
(India, with similar taxa in Sulawesi and Timor, ssp. timida Prout
(probably a good species)), but I. berwicki is larger with slightly
narrower grey bands and more produced tails. In the male genitalia the valves
are much larger with the costal angle more distal. The saccular process is
longer, more slender and regularly curved, and there is no scobinate lobe just
basal to its apex: this is a feature of typical xanthochlora.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The only specimen was taken at 1930m on G. Kinabalu.
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