sarawackaria Guenée comb. n.
Anisodes sarawackaria Guenée,
1857, Hist. nat. Insectes, Spec. Gen. Lep., 9: 420.
Anisodes lichenaria Swinhoe,
1892, Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1892: 8.
Perixera obscurata Warren,
1893, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1893: 361.
Diagnosis. The general colour is pale yellow, broadly and irregularly fasciated
with grey, with some longitudinal elements linking the fasciae in the vicinity
of M2 and along the anterior-cubital veins. Some confusion with Mesotrophe species
is possible (See Mesotrophe
Hampson Gen. rev).
Taxonomic notes. The structure of the uncus and valve suggests a relationship with the Trirachopoda
group, as does the single cornutus in the vesica of the rather narrow,
straight aedeagus.
Geographical range. Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, N.E. Himalaya, Tonkin (ssp. lichenaria) Taiwan,
Seram, Sulawesi, New Guinea, Bismarcks.
Habitat preference. Most Bornean material seen was collected in the
Kinabalu area by Waterstradt and has no altitude data.
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