maculata Moore
Arichanna maculata Moore, 1867, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1867: 658.
Arichanna plagiogranna
Hampson, 1902, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 14: 509.
Icterodes taiwanica
Bastelberger, 1909, Ent. Zeitschrift, 22: 33.
Arichanna maculata negans Prout, 1932, J. fed. Malay States
Mus., 17: 109.
Arichanna prodictyota
Wehrli, 1934, Int. Ent. Zeitschrift, 27: 509.
Arichanna maculata negans
Prout; Holloway, 1976: 84.
Alcis maculata Moore; Inoue, 1987, Bull. Fac. dom. Sci.
Otsuma Women's Univ., 23: 264.
Diagnosis. The reticulate markings of dark brown on creamish white render this
species unmistakable.
Geographical range. Himalaya and Tibet to Taiwan, Thailand, Sumatra,
Habitat preference. Most records are from G. Kinabalu where the species
is infrequent from 1500 to 2110m. Two males have been taken at 1670m on Bukit
Pagon, Brunei.
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