electrodes Sommerer & Stüning
Cassyma electrodes Sommerer
& Stüning, 1992, Heterocera Sumatrana, 7:18.
Diagnosis. This is the only other species apart from quadrinata where the
ground colour is pale yellow. The wings are suffused and fasciated with dull
red, the fasciae more indistinct and less crenulate than in congeners. The
postmedials are sinuous, following a course similar to those of C.
sciticincta. In the male abdomen the eighth sternite is triangular and lacks
coremata, differing from the state typical of the genus. The uncus is strikingly
bifid and the pocket of the furca is massive.
Geographical range. Sumatra, Borneo.
Habitat preference. The specimens are from lowland and lower montane
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