Plutodes sp.
A single female specimen (14mm, slide 13824) with similar fades to unidentata
but a more violet tinge to the patches on the wings probably
represents a distinct species. The genitalia differ from those of unidentata:
the ductus bursae has a straight, rather than excavated, opening, and
is twice as long, narrower; the bursa is more completely scobinate and
lacks the pair of arcuate furrows within this scobination seen in unidentata.
There is some resemblance to females of the sexually dimorphic P.
wandamannensis Joicey & Talbot (New Guinea), but again the
genitalia are distinct. The locality was in lowland forest at 450m, in the
Ulu Temburong of Brunei. A similar specimen from Sumatra has been seen in
the Heterocera Sumatrana collection.
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