“Sigela” punctata Hampson (Plate
punctata Hampson, 1898, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 11:
Diagnosis. The shape of the wings is as in Araeopteron,
except the hindwing margin is slightly excavated in the region of M3. The wings
are almost uniform medium grey with paler distal margins lined with black
triangles in the spaces. There are very faintly darker, irregularly oblique,
antemedial and postmedial fasciae on the forewing, with black marks on
dentations in these, one on the antemedial and three on the postmedial as
illustrated. There is a series of black and dark grey dashes along the forewing
costa, the most prominent at one third.
Taxonomic note. M. Fibiger (pers. comm.) has
advised that punctata is misplaced in Sigela but should probably
be transferred (with the genus‑group name Pseudcraspedia) to Araeopteron.
Geographical range. Sikkim, Vietnam, Borneo, Australia
(Nielsen et al., 1996).
Habitat preference. The only Bornean specimen is from Pulo
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