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Adrapsa orgyoides Walker
     Murgisa orgyoides Walker, 1864, J. Proc. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 7: 193.


Adrapsa orgyoides
Figure 252a

The wings are fasciated with white on blackish brown, the fasciae fine, crenate, the postmedials in a relatively basal position. There is a conspicuous white spot on the forewing margin adjacent to the submarginal at one third from the costa. The forewing discal spot is a conspicuous white lunule, and there is also a smaller orbicular dot.

Taxonomic note. Poole (1989) retained this species in its monobasic genus, but it is closely related to Adrapsa simplex Butler (Japan, Taiwan), which has a more strongly bilunulate component of the white submarginal at the position of the forewing marginal patch, which is relatively more obscure.

Geographical range. Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia (Langkawi I.; Barlow colln) Singapore, Java.

Habitat preference. The holotype was collected by A.R. Wallace in Sarawak, probably in the lowlands. There are also two specimens from forest at 100m on G. Santubong near Kuching and one from 85 miles “above” (upstream from?) Pontianak in Kalimantan.

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