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Simplicia mistacalis Guenée
     Herminia mistacalis Guenée, 1854, Hist. nat. Ins., Spec. gen. Lep., 8: 60.
    Bocana marginata Moore, 1882, Descr. new Indian lepid. Insects Colln W.S. Atkinson, 2: 195.
    Simplicia subterminalis Draeseke, 1928, Dt. ent. Z. Iris, 42: 317.


Simplicia mistacalis
Figure 282

This is probably the smallest Bornean Simplicia, with the fawn ground colour of the wings grading to dark brown over about 3mm just basal to the pale fawn submarginals, distal to which are pale borders. This effect is also seen in the much larger schaldusalis group described above, but the forewing submarginal is more curved, with a slight sinuosity subapically. Fasciation basal to this zone is fine, faint, irregular, of the usual type for the genus. The male antennae are strongly fasciculate but not noded.

Geographical range. Indian Subregion, S.W. China, Taiwan, Japan, Burma, Peninsular Malaysia, Java, Borneo, Philippines, New Guinea.

Habitat preference. Only old material labelled just “Sarawak” has been located.

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