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Simplicia phaedrusalis Walker
     Bocana phaedrusalis Walker, [1859] 1858, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 16: 180.
    Simplicia renota Swinhoe, 1908, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7), 18: 411, ?syn. n.


Simplicia phaedrusalis
Figure 277

This is a small species somewhat similar to members of the caeneusalis group, but the submarginals are closer to the margins, and the forewing postmedial is angled, rather than curved, in the discal area and finely crenulate. See also diagnosis of discosticta on p. 113; the dark discal mark of the forewing in phaedrusalis can be similarly large. The facies also bears some resemblance to that of Polypogon Schrank species such as P. phineusalis Walker and P. kona Swinhoe; only males have been located of these two species.

Taxonomic note. The holotype abdomen appears to have been extensively glued over the basal half, but the thorax has been hollowed out dorsally around the pin, probably by pests. In these circumstances it was considered best to postpone any dissection until further material becomes available. The facies is very similar to that of S. renota Swinhoe, and the two taxa may well be synonymous. Both taxa are only known from females.

Geographical range. Borneo; Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Bali (renota).

Habitat preference. The only Bornean material seen is the holotype female, taken by A.R. Wallace in Sarawak, probably in the lowlands.

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