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Polypogon radula sp. n.


Polypogon radula

Polypogon radula
Figure 53
Figure 303
Figure 310

, 12-13mm. The male foreleg is modified with a tibial sheath and the proportions of a full complement of tarsal segments as in the species placed in Zanclognatha by Owada (1987); it is invested over most of its length with straw-coloured hairs. The labial palps are typical of the complex. The wings and body are a pale ochreous fawn, irrorated with medium brown. The forewing has a darker brown discal spot, a diffuse, oblique, slightly sinuous postmedial and a similar but more sharply defined (a boundary between a darkening distad, giving away abruptly to a narrow band paler than the ground) submarginal. These two fasciae also occur on the hindwing, strengthening towards the dorsum, the postmedial more sharply angled than the submarginal. The fasciation is different from all other members of the complex, decipiens Hampson (p. 130) being closest, but with a dull brown ground colour. The male abdomen has the eighth segment with only a vestige of a frame to the sternite, and the tergal apodemes are well separated, though connected in a manner that is also suggestive of the framed corematous condition. The genitalia have a short, deep uncus. The valves are entire, parallel-sided, obliquely truncated distally with the angles rounded, distinct from the unequally trifid condition seen in most of the Zanclognatha covered by Owada (1987). There is a distinctive modification to the juxta not seen in any other member of the genus or the generic complex; it is strongly and asymmetrically produced and apically tapered with a long, distally curved rasp-like structure. The aedeagus vesica is only weakly scobinate. The female genitalia have the ductus broad, evenly sclerotised, ventrally bidentate at the ostium. The corpus bursae is small, irregularly ovate, with the ductus seminalis basal. There is a small patch of slender spines laterally at two-thirds, but no other ornamentation or sclerotisation.

Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site 14, February, Camp 2.5, Mulu, 1000m. 413461, lower montane forest, BM noctuid slide 19638.

Paratypes: 3, 1 as holotype; 3 (slide 19839, foreleg), 1 (slide 19860) as holotype but Site 15; 3 general data as holotype but Site 25, April, G. Api, 900m. 427550, lower montane forest; 1 BORNEO: Sabah, Bukit Monkobo, 5° 48' N, 118° 58' E, 23.viii.1987, 1200m (A.H. Kirk-Spriggs), Camp 1, stunted hill forest.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. All material is from lower montane forest between 900m and 1200m.

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