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Lajonquierea Gen. n.

Types species: deruna Moore.
Lajonquière (1979) discussed the taxon deruna Moore, based on a single female from Java, noting it belonged to a small group of Sundanian species misplaced in the genus Metanastria. He was working on this group at the time of his death and corresponded with the author on the subject, so this genus is dedicated to him.

The forewings are deep, not significantly produced apically, and the hindwings are only slightly smaller in area. Sexual dimorphism is slight, apart from size. The forewings are usually a shade of reddish brown, crossed by fine, dark fasciae exterior to which may be diffuse, broader fasciae. The discal spot is interior to the most basal of these four, indicating that the forewing cell is very short, at most one quarter of the length of the wing. There is an irregular, meandering, fine, dark submarginal, often enclosing small whitish spots, especially subapically.

The male antennae are evenly bipectinate, those of the female only slightly so.

The male genitalia have the cubile arms well developed, usually with an apical spur or process; the valves are usually slender, rigid, with a dorsal spur; the aedeagus vesica tends to be bilobed to a greater or lesser degree and usually bears fine spines or scobination. The cubile, valves and aedeagus all provide diagnostic features for the species.

The female genitalia have the ostium and base of the ductus sclerotised in a funnel shape, the ostium slightly produced ventrally in a lobe or flap, the shape of which may be diagnostic at the specific level.

The genus is restricted to Sundaland and contains seven species, five of which are endemic to Borneo. The other two are deruna Moore ( = aequizonata Grunberg) comb. n., a montane species in Java and Sumatra, and poeciloptera Grunberg comb. n., a lowland species from Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia illustrated by Barlow (1982). The male genitalia of the species are illustrated in Figures 23 and 25 respectively. It is of interest that the three montane species have linear forewing fasciae and the lowland four have crenulate fasciae.

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