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"Euproctis” kamburonga Holloway  
Euproctis kamburonga Holloway, 1976: 47.

"Euproctis” kamburonga

"Euproctis” kamburonga

There is extensive sexual dimorphism, with males deep brown, speckled with black, and females mostly white, though flecked with black scales and with a black discal spot as in the male.

Taxonomic note. The genitalia of both sexes give no clear indication of placement. The male abdomen has tymbals, and the uncus and valves bear some resemblance to those of the previous species. The aedeagus vesica has a striking array of small clumps of spines over the basal part. The saccus is long, tapering. The female has rather square ovipositor lobes, a sclerotised basal part to the ductus and extensive setae over segment 8.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. This species is only known from G. Kinabalu, where it flies from 1930m to 2600m, the highest recorded altitude for a Bornean lymantriid apart from the next taxon.

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