Arna perplexa Swinhoe
comb. n.
perplexa Swinhoe,
1903, Trans. ent. Soc. London, 1903: 422.
icelomorpha Swinhoe,
1906, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7), 17: 541.
schistocarpa Collenette,
1949, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (12), 1: 723, syn. n.
Diagnosis. This species, known only from females, and typical erema from
Peninsular Malaysia have similar facies,, with a bipunctate forewing apex and a
darker forewing medial band, interrupted along the veins and edged with paler
ground colour amid an extensive zone of brown shading. This species has the
anterior apical spot larger than the posterior rather than vice versa (in both
species the weaker spot can become obsolete), and the medial band is narrower,
more intense towards the dorsum, and with a broader pale break subdorsally. In
the female genitalia, the sclerotised portion of the ductus is short, broad,
with a complex ostium.
Geographical range. Sundaland.
Habitat preference. This is an uncommon lowland species, the two
specimens taken in recent surveys being from the coast in Brunei (Seria, Kampong
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