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"Epiplema" saccata sp. n. 

"Epiplema" saccata

8mm, 9mm. The facies of the medium grey wings is similar to that of species of Pterotosoma (See Pterotosoma Warren) such as castanea, and vein M2 is lacking from the hindwing. However M3 and CuA1 unusually have a common stalk. The male antennae are simply laminate. The fasciation is similar to that of castanea, but with the forewing medial band narrower, more sharply angled centrally. On the hindwings the angles to the fasciae are less acute, and the submarginal markings are more linear. In the male genitalia, the bands of thickening of the tegumen form a complete loop rather than being restricted to the ventral part as in Pterotosoma. The valves are somewhat trapezoid in shape, with fields of hair-like setae over the interior. There is a pronounced, slender saccus. The aedeagus is slender, curved, more strongly so over the basal half: the vesica contains a single cornutus. The female genitalia are striking, with ductus and bursa together being significantly longer than the abdomen. The ductus is slightly coiled, always slender, expanding gently into the sinuous neck of the corpus bursae. This is distally pyriform with a central stellate signum. Basal to the signum, and running into the neck of the bursa, are numerous thorn-like spines.

Holotype SARAWAK: Gunung Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) Site 13, February, Camp 2, Mulu, 500m. 401464, mixed dipt. for., BM uraniid slide 284.

Paratypes As holotype, BM uraniid slide 481.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The two specimens are from hill dipterocarp forest.

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