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Tethea Ochsenheimer

Type species: or Denis & Schiffermüller, Europe.

Synonyms: Bombycia Hübner (type species or); Ceropacha Stephens (type species or); Episaronaga Matsumura (type species albicostata Bremer, Russia); Eutethia Grote (unnecessary replacement name for Tethea); Palimpsestis Hübner (type species octogesimea Hübner = ocularis Linnaeus, Europe); Saronaga Moore (type species albicosta Moore, India).

The genus consists of species with rather elongate, narrow, greyish forewings with prominent reniform and orbicular stigmata flanked by transverse fasciae that are darker, often strong. The costal area is often broadly paler, sometimes almost whitish. The hindwing is paler brownish-grey, usually with a diffuse, broad, pale postmedial band.

In the male genitalia the socii project laterally from the uncus, curving upwards. The valves are somewhat elongate, tongue-like, with a prominent praesacculus and sometimes a more basal additional spur (though neither occur in the Bornean species).

The female genitalia are typically thyatirine, with the central signum, and sometimes the lateral pair, strong.

Larvae of two Japanese species illustrated in Sugi (1987) are smooth, very pale bluish green with black bands or pairs of black spots transversely on each segment. The head is dull, pale orange. T. consimilis Warren, with transverse black bands, is the closest in adult facies to the Bornean species, and the larva feeds on Prunus and Sorbus (Rosaceae). Other Japanese species feed on Quercus (Fagaceae).

The genus is found across the whole Palaearctic, with its greatest richness in eastern Asia, particularly the N.E. Himalaya. Two species occur in Sumatra, one shared with Borneo.

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