turlini Herbulot
Ozola turlini Herbulot, 1985, Nouv. Revue Ent. (N.S.)
3: 251.
Ozola basisparsata Walker
sensu Scoble & Sommerer, 1988: 68, partim
Diagnosis. This and the next species are of a similar straw colour but turlini is
distinguished by the presence of a fine linear postmedial on both wings. The
subapical trio of submarginal spots on the forewing are of equal size, distinct
in turlini, but run into each other in hollowayi, the most
posterior being larger. In the male genitalia the aedeagus and vinculum with
saccus are very much longer in hollowayi, and in the female the ductus
bursae is similarly diagnostically longer.
Taxonomic notes. Though Scoble & Sommerer (1988) illustrated the holotype male
genitalia of basisparsata, the other material they referred to under this
name was turlini.
Geographical range. Sundaland, Sulawesi.
Habitat preference. Bornean material is scarce and from lowland
localities. The species has not been taken in recent surveys in natural forest
areas but was frequent in the secondary forest and plantation associations
sampled in the lowlands of Sabah by Chey (1994), though not specifically those
of Gmelina arborea (Verbenaceae: see O. minor Moore
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