Noreia sinuilineata sp.n

Noreia sinuilineata 

21, 22mm,
20mm. The facies is similar to that of anacardium but
browner grey in tone with less strongly defined, browner postmedials that are
more distinctly edged paler, dull yellowish, distad. The forewing postmedial is
slightly sinuous, that of the hindwing straighter centrally. The males differ
from those of anacardium and resemble those of achloraria in
having two scale tufts on CuA1 of the hindwing, but the distal is more
pronounced than the proximal, the reverse of the condition in achloraria. The
male genitalia have a rather elongate uncus with a spade-like distal portion.
The valves are deep, rather rectangular, with the costal margin irregular. The
aedeagus vesica has an acute cornutus, smaller than in N. anacardium.
Gunung Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S Exped. 1977- 8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site
20, Mar-Apr., W. Melinau Gorge, 150m, 422577, FEG3, kerangas, MV-understorey, BM
geometrid slide 10623.
Paratypes. 1 general data as holotype but Site 11, February, Camp 1, G. Mulu, 150m,
385470, mixed dipt. for/river; 1 SABAH: 200m, Brumas, Paraserianthes
falcataria plantation, 1.10.1991 (Chey Vun Khen) (in FRC, Sepilok).
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The three specimens are from lowland heath forest,
lowland dipterocarp forest and a Paraserianthes falcataria plantation.
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