palparia Walker
Panagra palparia Walker, 1861, List Specimens lepid. Insects
Colln Br. Mus., 23: 988.
Alex nigrozonata Walker, 1863, Ibid 26: 1754.
Polla rufolinearia Pagenstecher,
1890, Dt. ent. Zeit. Iris, 3: 28.
Alex indica Warren, 1894, Novit. zool., 1: 368.
Alex niasica Swinhoe, 1917, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8), 19:
Alex nephodes West, 1930, Novit. zool., 35: 264.
Alex palparia Walker; Holloway, 1976: 58.
Diagnosis. See the generic description. The species resembles a pale brown
irrorated version of Noreia with similar fasciation. A variant has the
postmedials absent (e.g. in the type material of niasica).
Geographical range. Himalaya to Sundaland, Philippines, Sumbawa.
Habitat preference. Most light-trap records during the Mulu survey were
from lower montane forest, but the species was recorded frequently by day at lower
elevations, put up from rest on the forest floor. The highest records are from
1618m on Bukit Retak, Brunei, and from 1620m on G. Kinabalu.
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