saponaria Guenée
Zanclopteryx saponaria Guenée,
1857, Hist. nat. Insectes, Spec. gen. Lep., 10:16.
Zanclopteryx infelix Swinhoe,
1885, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1885: 858, syn. n.
Diagnosis. The first four species listed here are among the smallest in the genus,
and perhaps most reliably distinguished by features of the female genitalia (see illustrations). The males have a slender digitate process
on the costa directed obliquely distad, and sometimes a slender spine running up
the centre of the valve. The subcostal setose lobe is quadrate, the setae
directed dorsally. The aedeagus vesica ornamentation may also be diagnostic. In saponaria
the central spine extends to the base of the costal process, and the
aedeagus vesica has a cluster of cornuti. In fragilis Butler there is no
central spine and the costal process is very slender; the aedeagus apex
terminates in two blunt processes bearing a single short apical spine, the apex
itself being broad, the vesica scobinate. In D. costata Warren the valve
spine extends to the apex of the costal process; the aedeagus vesica bears a
mass of cornuti more than in saponaria, but shorter. Males have not been
reliably identified for the new species.
Taxonomic note. Derambila catharina Prout (Queensland) is also a member of this
species group.
Geographical range. Sri Lanka, India, ?Peninsular Malaysia (slide 17040),
Sumatra, Borneo.
Habitat preference. The few Bornean specimens seen all have typewritten
labels stating only "Sarawak".
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