lumenaria Geyer
Arrhostia lumenaria Geyer
1837, Zutr. Samml. exot. Schmett. 4: 35.
Rambara ochreicostalis Hampson,
1893, Illustr. typ. Specimens Lep. Heterocera Colln Br.
Mus., 9: 40.
Derambila lumenaria Geyer;
Fletcher, 1979: 181 and Sommerer, 1995: 26, establish identity
Diagnosis. See D. propages above.
Geographical range. Indian Subregion to Sundaland.
Habitat preference. Three Bornean specimens have been located: one
without precise data from Poeh, Sarawak; one from 600m at Poring on
the lower slopes of G. Kinabalu; one from the Mulu survey taken in
alluvial forest at 90m.
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