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Chlorodontopera Warren

Type species: chalybeata Moore.

In facies this genus resembles Euxena, but with the hindwing black discal spot much larger and the underside a uniform medium grey in all species except C. discospilata Moore, where it is dull orange. The male antennae are narrowly bipectinate to about three-quarters or lamellate. On the hindwing, veins Rs and M1, and M3 and CuA1, arise separately from the cell rather than being stalked.

In the male abdomen there is a pair of setal patches on the third sternite. The eighth tergite is obtusely bifid in the type species and finely setose distally: the distal margin of the sternite is also setose, slightly concave. In the genitalia the uncus is spatulate or bifid, flanked by tongue-like socii that are two thirds as long again and invested with a dense coat of fine setae. The gnathus is divided into a slender, upcurved, apically acute process on each side. The valves are moderate to small, the dorsal half more strongly sclerotised, giving rise to a long, slender spine subbasally. The saccular portion of the valve is closely associated with the vinculum and bears a corema.

In the female the ovipositor lobes are of the modified type. The sterigma is massively sclerotised, the bursa very small, without a signum.

The genus is restricted to the Oriental Region, with only the type species extending to Sundaland.

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