laqueifera Prout
Agathia laqueifera Prout,
1912: 60.
Agathia laqueifera ab.
vernifera Prout, 1932, Gross-Schmett. Erde 12: 72.
Diagnosis. Both sexes are extensively bright green,
only lightly marked with brown.
Taxonomic notes. Similarly green specimens from Sulawesi
represent a distinct species with a more robust central process and a bilobed
apical part to the valve costa (slide 12497).
Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya, Peninsular Malaysia,
Borneo, Sumatra, Bali.
Habitat preference. Specimens collected in recent surveys are
all from lowland localities in Brunei, including swamp forest, heath forest and
coastal and riverine localities.
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