urapteraria Walker comb. n.
Hypochroma urapteraria Walker,
1860, List Specimens Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 21: 438.
Archaeobalbis urapteraria eudicheres Prout,
1916, Novit. zool., 23: 192.
Archaeobablis urapteraria Walker;
Holloway, 1976: 59.
Diagnosis. This is the largest of the Bornean species, in general appearance
similar to the next three, but distinguished as follows: the male hindwing
margin is strongly produced between veins M3 and CuA1; the underside of the
wings are basally orange, grading to dull red distally, traversed by diffuse,
rather narrow blackish postmedials.
Geographical range. Sundaland.
Habitat preference. The species is rare in the lowlands, being more
frequently encountered in the lower and upper montane forest zones (1000-2000m).
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