A morphological key to macrolepidoptera families and some subfamilies is
The families of the superfamily Cossoidea as
recognised by Brock (1971) are treated in detail. The Cossidae (34
Bornean spp.) include a number of important shoot and wood boring pests,
and the Metarbelidae (5 spp.) are bark borers. The Ratardidae (3 spp.) are
a small Oriental family, rare in collections and possibly allied to the
Metarbelidae. The Dudgeoneidae are even less diverse but geographically
much more widespread; they have yet to be recorded from Borneo. The
Epipyropidae have larvae that are predatory on Homoptera. They occur in
Borneo but there is insufficient material to permit a detailed treatment.
The Limacodidae (95 spp.) are much more diverse and include a very large
number of pest species, almost entirely affecting arboreal or bush crops
such as coconut, oil palm, tea, cocoa and coffee. Their larvae, the
notorious nettle-grubs or slug-caterpillars, are most striking in form and
colour; details of these are given where possible. A tentative scheme of
higher classification is presented, based on both adult and larval
characters; this led to much revisional work and several generic reviews
such as of Cania and Darna.
each species a diagnosis and the geographical range are given and, where
known, details of habitat preferences and biology. Summary lists are given
of the new taxa described (11 genera, 46 species and 4 subspecies) as well
as of numerous other taxonomic changes. A checklist of all Bornean taxa
may be found at the end there.
date: 1986
Ref: Malayan Nature Journal 40: 1-166 (1986)
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