Bornean Lymantriidae (297 species in 40 genera and 5
tribes) are described. For each species, a diagnosis and the
geographical range are given and, where known, details of habitat
preference and biology. Summary lists are provided of the new taxa
described (3 tribes, 4 genera, 74 species and 1 subspecies) as well as of
numerous other taxonomic changes. A checklist of all species summarises
the fauna.
The family is defined and described, with comments on its position within
the Noctuoidea and higher classification within it, and aspects of its
biogeography and ecology are noted.
Attempts are made to resolve the generic status of taxa previously placed
in Dasychira Hübner and Euproctis Hübner, and to
circumvent the obstacle to progress in the genus Redoa Walker (= Arctornis
Germar) presented by the unavailability of Toxopeus type material.
The family placement of the genus Allotoma Roepke is considered; it
is probably bombycoid rather than noctuoid, but does not fall readily into
any bombycoid family.
date: 1999
Ref : Malayan Nature Journal 1999
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